Clean Me

Smart Phone Cleaner




duplicate photos that's taking up valuable storage space on your device


Contacts and ensure that your address book is clean, organized, and easy to navigate

Hide Private

Photos & Videos and make sure that they remain unseen and secure


Strong Passwords and keep your online identity safe and secure

With just a few taps, you can easily clean up your phone, freeing up valuable storage space and keeping your device running smoothly. Our app scans your iPhone for duplicate files, unused apps, and other space-hogging clutter, and helps you get rid of them with ease.

Cleaner Premium

1 week


1 month


3 month



Check out our dedicated FAQ section on our website for more information. Alternatively, you can contact us via email or live chat at

How exactly does Cleaner work?

Our app will analyze it for duplicates, unwanted apps, and other unnecessary data to save up space on your device. In addition, our UI is so simple to use that even non-techies will have no trouble clearing out their iPhone.

How can I get started with Cleaner?

It's simple to get going. Pick the plan that best suits your needs, or take advantage of our no-risk demo. You can get started as soon as you download the app.

Is Cleaner truly free?

In order to give our customers the safest and most reliable service possible, we base our pricing on a monthly subscription. But with our free trial, you can test out our app without spending a dime.

Does Cleaner support my device?

Sure, if your gadget is iOS-compatible. Our app works on almost any modern smartphone because it was designed just for iOS.

Are there any limitations in Cleaner?

No, you are free to enjoy our app with zero limitations but with added security.